A Few of My Favorite Films

All Power To The People

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (2001)
 Superb cinema in photography, music, and drama, this film synthesizes three genres:
Dancehall Queen (1996)
Jamaica's version of The Full Monty. A street vendor dreams of financing her 15 year old daughter's education and having enough money to put a meal on the table each day. She ends up pimping that daughter to a generous man who turns out to be a crook. The myth that the entertainment industries offers a legal means of upward mobility drives the plot. Although her age and shape don't fit the norm, she musters creativity and novelty in costume, dance moves, and honest determination to win the big jackpot at the dance contest. http://www.dancehallqueen.com/movie/synopsis.html
Hong Kong 1941
Chow Yun-Fat and Cecilia Yip (1984)
The same actor who embodies the national spirit of Cambodia in Anna and the King (1999) here admirably displays natural virtue, freedom from romantic jealousy, pragmatic heroism, and the indomitable resistance, agility, and acumen of the Chinese in the face of Japanese oppression. http://hkmdb.com/mc4/zhk.html
Love's Labor Lost (2000)
Kenneth Branagh marries the Renaissance of England to the heyday of Hollywood. Shakespearean comedy and Broadway musical mix in a frivolous farce that bespeaks the fundamental unity of Anglo-American cultural continuum. From the actor/director who did the best Hamlet ever made. http://www.canoe.ca/JamMoviesArtistsB/branagh.html
Shane (1953)
The definitive Western! Shows the ending of the frontier as "civilized" family-oriented farmers encroach on the open territory of the "Injun killers" herding cattle on the open plain, and "gun slingers" filling the vacuum of the distance law. Shane is such a good guy, it's inspiring. Full review at http://www.filmsite.org/shan.html
Third World Cop (1999)
Jamaica's Kingston town, from the homes made of corrugated aluminum to the Caribbean port where ships unload barrels of charity food that disguise the smuggling of handguns. A generation of ambitious young men whose only economic promise lies in crime. Sallow-cheeked actor Paul Campbell, whom you hated in Dancehall Queen (1996) http://www.dancehallqueen.com/movie/synopsis.html as the slimiest ganster ever on film, here turns turncoat http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/Reggae/37025 by returning to his ghetto neighborhood as a veteran police detective. Even though the third world cop offers his childhood friend (now a gun smuggler) a viable alternative (go to another island with a fake passport), the roots of violence run too deep. The third world cop has to kill his own best buddy to avoid being shot himself. It's clear that a whole generation will undergo bloodshed before the hope of a new beginning can begin. But is Oakland, California so different? On August 5, 2000, Oakland Police Chief Richard Word personally responded to emergency calls (man shot in ankle, man assaulted with a bat, man without legs in wheelchair being beaten), but all of the victims refused police assistance (Oakland Tribune, 8/8/2000, 1-Local). How can the law ever hope to reign when society's victims find it offers no protection?